Integration of On-line HPLC as a PAT Tool for CQA Monitoring and Control in Bioprocessing

Integration of On-line
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is a proven tool for the analysis of critical process parameters (CPP) and critical quality attributes (CQA) of biotherapeutics.  Historically, HPLC has been performed off-line – a process that can take days or weeks to complete.
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Biometrics - The future of web and mobile authentication


Bio-metrics authentication is fast replacing passwords as the choice of authentication technique on web and mobile applications. This webinar covers various bio-metric options, comparative benefits and emerging trends.
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Subcellular sphingolipids and ceramides in organelle function

The subcellular distribution and function of lipids remains a serious challenge to understanding biology. Two student presentations at a recent scientific conference highlighted a new innovation in mass spectrometry that improves organelle identification and a new function for ceramide-dependent mitophagy associated with aging in T cells.
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Scattering Microscopy: Label-Free Imaging Approaches

While not all microscopy samples can fluoresce, all can scatter light, and this scattered light can be imaged. This has resulted in the development of scattering microscopy techniques, such as darkfield, iSCAT, COBRI, and Mass Photometry.
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Genealogy, Genetics & DNA

What is DNA and how can learning about yours help you to build your family tree? Discover the ins and outs of DNA including: Components and Types of DNA, How DNA replicates itself, Mutations, Genes and Chromosomes, Dominant and Recessive genes, Sex-linked genes, Hereditary Diseases, Inheritance of blood types.
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