The Immunotherapy Revolution: Towards Future Cancer Treatments

The discovery and development of immune checkpoint inhibitors has revolutionized the treatment of certain cancers, with the 2018 Nobel Prize in medicine/physiology recognizing these therapies as a "landmark in our fight against cancer." Yet, despite these advances, putative biomarker identification, efficacy, and drug resistance still pose significant therapeutic challenges. In this webinar, leaders in immuno-oncology — Elaine Mardis (The Ohio State University) and Jedd Wolchok (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center) — survey the landscape of research, revealing new approaches for harnessing the potential of this transformative therapeutic.
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Explore methods for more efficient molecular cloning and strain engineering applications

Fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas are currently the gold standard of meeting our energy needs. High levels of fossil fuel consumption have led to depleted resources, increased cost, and high levels pollution. A Fossil-fuel based energy economy has been deemed unsustainable and, therefore, the adoption of sustainable and environmentally compatible energy sources is imperative. Molecular cloning has been used to engineer strains of microbes that can perform a range of processes needed to create sustainable biofuels such as ethanol as well as useful bioproducts. Due to the high throughput nature of microbial strain engineering, molecular cloning workflows are prone to human error, labor-intensive, and time consuming. These challenges create large bottlenecks resulting in low productivity. Strain engineering can benefit greatly from the increased productivity of an automated colony picker such as Molecular Devices QPix® 400 Series Microbial Colony Picker, which automatically picks up to 3000 colonies per hour or 30,000 colonies per day with automatic pick run data tracking and database management. For higher throughput and more walkaway time, there are custom design options for an automated work-cell that integrates user desired instrumentation, and robotic control with the QPix colony picker to improve productivity and eliminate bottlenecks.
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High resolution epitope binning informs antibody drug discovery and enhances next generation antibody workflows

Several recent high-profile examples have been published highlighting the utility of high-resolution competition-based epitope binning in the rapid characterization of diverse monoclonal antibody panels.
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Cell and Gene Therapies

More than US$55 billion has been invested in developing gene modification and cell therapy platforms over the past three years. While the science has advanced, the practical components of launch and optimizing
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Can CE-MS be used for Antibody Quantitation in Biological Samples?


Current liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods used to detect monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in biological samples are focused on targeted tryptic peptide quantitation, which requires that the mAbs undergo tryptic digestion before analysis. The use of digestion complicates the workflow and can affect the results obtained. Therefore, there is an increasing interest to simplify the workflow, by developing improved methods which can detect the intact antibody or larger antibody fragments.
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