Investing in Biotechnology Startups – Case of Anti-inflammatory Treatments

The Webinar will focus on how health sciences are becoming more democratized and decentralized, hacking biotechnology investments is getting more accessible, obvious, and transparent. Investing in biotech is no longer reserved for specialized VCs and funds with deep pockets. This one hour webinar will discuss finding the right opportunities in responsible healthcare investing, focusing on investing in biotech companies.
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De-Risky Business: Assessing Biotherapeutic Off-Target and On-Target Liabilities


De-Risky Business: Assessing Biotherapeutic Off-Target and On-Target Liabilities Toxicity failures caused by off-target or unintended on-target liabilities are a leading cause of attrition in clinical and preclinical programs. Given the effort, cost, and technical limitations of traditional biopharmaceutical de-risking strategies, there is a need for a robust and scalable approach that can be rapidly applied to the discovery phases of therapeutic programs. Join us for this exciting new GEN Webinar, where our panel of experts will discuss new approaches to de-risking lead selection of antibodies and other biotherapeutics.
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Cell Line Solutions for Assay Development and Bioproduction


Cultivating and managing productive cell cultures is of critical importance to the biopharmaceutical industry. Recent discoveries using stem cells, advances in cell based therapeutics, and the rapid expansion of the biosimilar market has investigators searching for technologies that will improve their research workflows.
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Can CE-MS be used for Antibody Quantitation in Biological Samples?


Current liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods used to detect monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in biological samples are focused on targeted tryptic peptide quantitation, which requires that the mAbs undergo tryptic digestion before analysis. The use of digestion complicates the workflow and can affect the results obtained. Therefore, there is an increasing interest to simplify the workflow, by developing improved methods which can detect the intact antibody or larger antibody fragments.
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Cancer Research & Oncology 2017


LabRoots invites research professionals, scientists, and clinicians to this premier online conference, making it easier and more cost-effective to learn about recent advances in cancer research. The virtual conference is free to attendees, encouraging worldwide collaboration and connections between colleagues and field experts. Cancer research has made major advancements in diagnosis, treatments, and the basic understanding of the disease itself.
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