Contamination control strategies: How to achieve faster, easier process monitoring

Contamination control strategies
A contamination control strategy (CCS) considers microbiological monitoring of assessed points and is a fundamental aspect of managing risks associated with contamination. 
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How to interpret clinical trial results like a pro


Clinical trial data can be remarkably (and unnecessarily) difficult to read. Companies spin, short-sellers hawk, and everyone else is left swimming through the muck. But there is an art to reading scientific results — and you can learn it.
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The race to deliver CRISPR


The gene-edited babies controversy got all the headlines, but there’s a lot more going on with the technology known as CRISPR these days.
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The Importance of Procalcitonin for Antimicrobial Stewardship in Patients with Lower Respiratory Tract Infections in the Emergency Department


This webinar will explore how using a procalcitonin (PCT) driven protocol in the Emergency Room can aid clinicians in deciding about hospital admission versus treatment in the home setting. We will look at the existing data using procalcitonin in patients with presumed Lower Respiratory Tract Infections(LRTI) and how antibiotic stewardship teams could use this biomarker in shaping their clinical decisions. Lastly, we will examine what stewardship metrics may be impacted by using a procalcitonin guided protocol.
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How industry collaboration drives single-use technology standardization for fast and reliable implementation

The accelerated expansion of manufacturing facilities needed for COVID-19 vaccines has driven the implementation of single-use technology (SUT) across many sites worldwide.
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