Phosphoproteomics is a cutting-edge research area that aims to understand the role of phosphorylation, a widespread modification of proteins, in regulating biological systems.
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When assessing a potential biological therapeutic candidate, several histopathological technologies are typically employed. This ensures the target expression is validated in both normal and diseased tissues before proceeding with pre-clinical studies. Protein B is a transmembrane glycoprotein that is overexpressed in numerous cancers, including triple-negative breast cancer and is often correlated with the metastatic phenotype. In this GEN webinar, we will discuss the process involved in a typical molecular pathology laboratory. Control cell lines and the RNAScope® Assay were utilized to validate the immunohistochemistry protocol.
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In response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak, Thermo Fisher Scientific has worked rapidly to develop highly affordable and accurate diagnostic solution to enable India’s clinical and public health laboratories to quickly diagnose COVID-19.
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Over many years Thermo Scientific™ Gas Analysis Mass Spectrometers have proven effective in monitoring bacterial and microbial processes.
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