Combinatorial CRISPR Screening and the Next Evolution in Functional Genomics

Genome-scale CRISPR screens in cancer cell lines have enabled the unprecedented identification of genome-scale vulnerabilities and co-dependencies. However, a significant obstacle in identifying co-dependencies is that the range of genomic features defines the discovery space. Therefore, it is clear that paired perturbations are needed to comprehensively map co-dependencies and establish functional genetic interaction maps.
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Multiplexing PCR Design Made Easy

DNA Software

Because of its reliability, sensitivity and low cost, PCR has become the backbone of modern diagnostics. In recent years, researchers have ingeniously capitalized on the fundamental nature of PCR through multiplexing reactions saving reagent costs, precious samples, and user time. Multiplexing has also enabled pathogen screening and genotyping for much larger numbers of targets, thereby improving the breadth and utility of diagnostics. However, while multiplexing reactions can be a boon to lab productivity, they are not without their pitfalls.
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Development of a Microsatellite Instability Assay Utilizing Novel Long Repeats

Characterizing MSI status in challenging samples, including those with ambiguous results or small shifts, can be difficult. Endometrial and other cancers tend to have fewer, smaller marker shifts making MSI analysis cumbersome.
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High-Dimensional Human Immune Profiling Simplified


Immune profiling of PBMC and peripheral whole blood is an essential method for quantifying changes in immune cell populations in autoimmune disease, chronic inflammation, infectious disease and cancer.
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Cell Line Solutions for Assay Development and Bioproduction


Cultivating and managing productive cell cultures is of critical importance to the biopharmaceutical industry. Recent discoveries using stem cells, advances in cell based therapeutics, and the rapid expansion of the biosimilar market has investigators searching for technologies that will improve their research workflows.
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