Building Efficiency into Biologics Formulations Development

Building Efficiency
Complex macromolecules are becoming a mainstay of pharmaceutical strategy, and the ability to successfully develop these biologics into viable commercial drugs is accelerating at a significant rate.
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Triple Negative Breast Cancer Risk Genes Identified by Multigene Hereditary Cancer

Ambry Genetics

In this webinar, Dr. Couch will present results from a recent study of multigene hereditary cancer panel testing in >10,000 women with triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), focusing on the prevalence of cancer gene mutations among TNBC cases along with gene-specific associations with TNBC among Caucasians and African Americans. Clinical implications of these findings will also be discussed.
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No Further Questions: Preparing for Expert Witness Testimony on Probabilistic Genotyping


With approximately half the forensic laboratories in the United States either using a probabilistic genotyping system or in some stage of implementation, cases processed using this method are now making their way through the court systems.
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Webinar on Yeast Lipids

A Virtual Special Issue of FEMS Yeast Research accompanies the webinar, gathering 19 recent research papers that illustrate the breadth of both fundamental and biotechnology-orientated research going on in the community.
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Development of a Microsatellite Instability Assay Utilizing Novel Long Repeats

Characterizing MSI status in challenging samples, including those with ambiguous results or small shifts, can be difficult. Endometrial and other cancers tend to have fewer, smaller marker shifts making MSI analysis cumbersome.
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