Cell culture is the unsung workhorse of biopharmaceutical drug development, yet it is so often the essential backbone of discovery projects. The growth of cells in laboratory settings constitutes a wide assortment of factors for their appropriate growth, with environmental conditions raking at the top of the list of importance. Reliable incubator technology is critical to yielding the high-quality results investigators are constantly seeking. Moreover, with respect to GMP, incubator technology must include algorithmic control systems and safeguards designed to protect the cell culture or cell-expressed product, particularly when associated with direct human applications such as cell-derived biologics and whole-cell therapies.
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LabRoots invites research professionals, scientists, and clinicians to this premier online conference, making it easier and more cost-effective to learn about recent advances in cancer research. The virtual conference is free to attendees, encouraging worldwide collaboration and connections between colleagues and field experts. Cancer research has made major advancements in diagnosis, treatments, and the basic understanding of the disease itself.
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Current protein biomarkers are only moderately predictive in identifying individuals with mild traumatic brain injury or concussion. Therefore, more accurate diagnostic markers are needed for sport-related concussion.
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LabRoots Inc.
Cardinal Health™ labXchange is a no-cost online destination where lab professionals have access to exhibits, live webinars and product demonstrations in one convenient location. Hear from leading experts on industry related topics - reimbursements, big data, emerging diseases, IQCP and more. It runs from June 7 to September 30, 2016.
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