Biotech Life Sciences Initiates New Study of Anti-aging Formulas in Helping Covid-19 Post-viral Fatigue and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

BioTech Life Sciences (BioTech – recently announced it was studying the effects of its proprietary formulas on long-term patient symptoms related to COVID-19 Post-Viral Fatigue (long-haulers) and chronic fatigue syndrome (C.F.S.). The findings will be a part of a larger research study undertaken by the company, and is currently calling for voluntary participants; especially those who suffer from myalgic encephalomyelitis (M.E.), chronic fatigue syndrome, or Post-Viral Fatigue. BioTech specializes in anti-aging, stem cell production and neuroscience, and has discovered a clear link between COVID-19 long-haulers, C.F.S., and the therapeutic benefits of certain anti-aging compounds. According to the Cleveland Clinic and a recent Atlantic article, patients who survive COVID-19 typically recover in roughly two weeks' time. But there are a growing number of patients – as many as 20% – who inexplicably suffer with the disease for months, with longer lasting complications. These so called long-haulers report symptoms including fevers, chest pain, shortness of breath and debilitating fatigue.



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